Friday, May 16, 2008


Although we strive to remain injury-free, sometimes injuries do happen, despite proper programming and proper lifting technique. Thankfully, most injuries turn out to be minor and self-limiting, provided that we have programmed and executed our lifts correctly along the way.

In the event of an injury, it is important that you do not cease to train; instead, find exercises that provide a tolerable amount of stress to the affected area without exceeding the rate of healing. When treated this way, an injury, provided that it isn't serious, will heal faster because you provided the stimulus for it to do so. This is the way that your body is meant to function.

Remember, this applies only to minor injuries, the sort that feel okay once you've warmed them up and can comfortably be trained through. Injuries inside or near joints that manifest with sharp and stabbing or even crippling pains, and which may be accompanied by swelling, should never be trained through.

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